Bring your laptop or laptops will be provided.
FAFSA (seniors): GRADUATION REQUIREMENT: Write down usernames and passwords for emails and studentaid.gov.
Here is a link to information and tutorials. (Page 2) https://docs.google.com/.../1PEZhS5vesqsjOGtQUnNt.../edit...
OR- OPT-OUT FORM: https://oklahoma.gov/.../college-and.../FAFSA-Opt-out.pdf
OK PROMISE (9th-11th): Parents will need 2023 tax returns either paper (to scan in) or access to it electronically for upload when completing the application. okpromise.org (Oklahoma's Promise offers qualified Oklahoma students an opportunity to earn a scholarship for college tuition.)

Remote Learning Day 2/20/2025 Statement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XSrvQlh7WJD0DWcCFLvEhkoVZS4O0oDdww6JtwKvD-E/edit?usp=sharing

The 2025-26 school calendar was approved at the last school board meeting. You can view it here. https://5il.co/37osk

Weather Statement for 2/12/25

Bullying & Racial Sensitivity Statement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hTqx5bKDv6lo_z8oawFt9j3-eTwQZdnZlEFrhZ4ec9Q/edit?usp=sharing

Parent/Guardians of Little Axe Public Schools,
Little Axe Public Schools will transition to remote learning tomorrow, January 30, 2025. This decision was made due to excessive sickness at all three sites between students, teachers, and staff and the inability to properly cover students throughout the day.
Custodial staff will be onsite to clean the buildings in preparation for a return to regular instruction next week.
Teachers will be making assignments available for students, please contact your child’s teacher or office if you have any questions.

Meeting for Title VI Indian Education Parent and Impact Aid Notification
Agenda: https://5il.co/34wdj

Just a reminder that the busses are running for all three sites now. Elementary students should be arriving at their bus stop one hour and 15 minutes earlier than usual.

Please view this link for an update on today's plan for Little Axe Public Schools.

A quick reminder about the Fine Arts Night for the middle and high school Art, Band, and Choir this Thursday (Dec 12) from 4:30-8:00 PM. Come for art, music, sweets, and food trucks!
Come support the students and have a great time!

Just a reminder that tomorrow, December 6th, is a remote learning day. Please be sure your children complete their work. You can check with your child's teacher(s) and/or Google Classroom.
The last day of the semester before the break is December 19th and students will return on January 7th.

The MS and HS Art, Band, and Choir will be putting on their Fine Arts Night on Thursday, December 12th from 4:30 - 8:00 PM. We would love to see you there!
See the flyer for more information: https://5il.co/322ol

LAPS will transition to remote learning for tomorrow. Please click this link for a message containing more information.

On Friday, December 13, the Oklahoma Arts Institute will be offering FREE workshops in Moore for acting, chorus, creative writing, drawing & painting, film & video, and photography students during OAI Quartz Preview Day! Please see details below.
OAI Quartz Preview Days are free and open to students in grades 8-12 and are designed to bring the Quartz Mountain magic to your community! Each Preview Day will include a hands-on workshop led by an Oklahoma artist on a topic relevant to their artistic discipline (e.g. still life drawing, how to choose an acting monologue). There will also be a discussion and Q&A regarding audition requirements for the Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute.
Moore High School
Friday, December 13
8:30am – 12:30pm
Acting, chorus, creative writing, drawing & painting, film & video, photography

Veterans Day Assembly Invitation
Monday, 11/11/24
Veterans & their family are invited to breakfast. 7:30am in the HS Library.
Please sign-in to the front office when you arrive.
Assembly starts at 9:00AM-HS Gym

Cafeteria menus November 2024 https://www.littleaxeps.org/page/cafeteria-menus

All water issues have been resolved and school will return to normal tomorrow, Oct 29th.

Due to a lack of water at the school, Little Axe Public Schools will transition to remote learning today, Monday, October 28th. An update will be sent later today.