\r\nWe know that we have families who would like to change their instructional pathway at semester. Instructional pathway means: traditional (in person), blended or virtual.
\r\nSecond semester is fast approaching. Please fill out this survey. Survey HERE
\r\nIf your student would like to have a class change for second semester, please fill out this form to the best of your/their ability and email it to
Class change form. Not all class changes will be made as we are limited on our semester classes this year.
\r\nI hope you had a great Thanksgiving break. Hopefully we will be back in school soon. Be sure to keep a look out on our website and facebook for updates. If students are having computer issues, contact Ms. Tiffany Dunkle at 405-329-1612. If a student is having class issues be sure to have them contact their teacher first.
\r\nI am trying to return phone calls and emails as fast as I can. Thank you for being supportive and flexible.
\r\nMrs. Amber Harp
\r\nHigh School Counselor